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Bagpipe Tunes and Their Stories - Vol. 1 - Old Times to 1950

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Product information "Bagpipe Tunes and Their Stories - Vol. 1 - Old Times to 1950"

Book - Bagpipe Tunes and Their Stories - Old Times to 1950 - Volume 1

in English

Take a fascinating trip through the world of bagpipe music: a journey in time covering the history of this wonderful instrument. Bagpipe Tunes and Their Stories: Old Times to 1950 features stories behind the unique bagpipe tunes that were composed before 1950.

Bagpipes are at the centre of a vibrant culture that has grown over many generations and continues to fascinate music lovers throughout the world. This book unearths stories connected with well-known tunes that were played and written before 1950. A tribute to the rich heritage of bagpipe music, it is captivating reading for long-time bagpipe enthusiasts as well as people less familiar with this distinctive instrument.

You’ll become acquainted with a wide range of bagpipe tunes, from the Scottish Highlands to the hills of Ireland and beyond. In addition, you’ll learn about the occasions for which they were composed and interpreted.

Author Susy Klinger, a well-known music expert and bagpipe enthusiast, has put her broad-ranging knowledge and passionate musical interest into this book. She has done many years of research in Scotland and neighbouring countries, conducted numerous interviews with famous pipers and thoroughly studied bagpipe music in order to put together this collection of stories and personal portraits. The book is a treasure chest of musical discoveries, encompassing everything from traditional ballads to lively dance melodies.

The wealth of information on bagpipe tunes is supplemented by carefully selected photos and illustrations that bring the atmosphere and culture of the relevant period to life. Each page is an invitation to delve into the past and become absorbed in stories of times gone by.

Order your copy now and let yourself be inspired by this fascinating survey of music history.

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Product number: 504280

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