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Buch - Scots Guards Standard Settings of Pipe Music,. Volume 1

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Produktinformationen "Buch - Scots Guards Standard Settings of Pipe Music,. Volume 1"

Scots Guards Standard Settings of Pipe Music, Band 1

Band 1 der Scots Guards Standard Settings of Pipe Music ist eine unverzichtbare Sammlung traditioneller schottischer Dudelsackmelodien. Dieses umfassende Buch bietet eine breite Auswahl an Märschen, Strathspeys, Reels, Jigs und langsamen Airs und ist ideal zur Erweiterung des Repertoires eines jeden Dudelsackspielers.


  • 1st Battalion Scots Guard Farewell to Cyprus, 1st Battalion Scots Guard Farewell to Southampton, 24th Guards Brigade at Anzio, 2nd Battalion Scots Guard Farewell to Malaya, 2nd Battalion Scots Guard Farewell to Singapore, 32nd Guards Brigade, 71st Highlanders, 79th's Farewell to Gibraltar, The Aberdeen City Police Band, Balmoral Castle, Bonnie Dundee, Cabar Feidh, Colonel Robertson, Duke of Roxburghe's Farewell to the Blackmount Forest, Edinburgh Volunteers, Earl of Mansfield, Garb of Old Gaul, Glendaruel Highlanders, Highland Brigade at Tel-el-Kebir, Inverness Gathering, Leaving St. Kilda, Lochaber No More, The Marchioness of Tullibardine, Mrs. Macpherson of Inveran, My Native Highland Home, Road to the Isles


  • Arniston Castle, Aspen Bank, Atholl and the Breadalbane Gathering, Braes of Tullymet, Loudon's Bonny Woods and Braes, Maggie Cameron, Marquis of Huntly's Highland Fling, Monymusk


  • Barren Rocks of Aden, The Black Bear, Brown Haired Maiden, Ca' the Ewes, Devil in the Kitchen, Highland Laddie, Inverness Gathering, The Piper's Bonnet, Reel of Tullloch


  • The Braes of Tullymet, Paddy's Leather Breeches, Drops of Brandy, Jig of Slurs, Mucking of Geordie's Byre

Langsame Airs und Laments:

  • My Home, The Skye Boat Song, The Mist Covered Mountains, Flowers of the Forest, When the Battle is Over

Dieses umfassende Buch ist eine unverzichtbare Ressource für Dudelsackspieler, die ein vielfältiges und reichhaltiges Repertoire aufbauen möchten.

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