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Soupape canadienne Little Mac

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Informations sur le produit "Soupape canadienne Little Mac"

The Little Mac Blowpipe valve is a reliable alternative to the traditional non-return flap. The valve is fitted to the end of the blowpipe. It is a three piece valve, with a replaceable rubber flap sandwiched in the middle. The valve is cone-shaped, allowing it to be easily inserted into the end of the blowpipe. It is easily removed for cleaning.

The LittleMac Valve is inserted into the end of the blowpipe, pushed in until it sits firmly. The diameter of the blowpipe may need to be slightly widened to accommodate the valve. This can be done using a reamer (see below).

Size (for bore): conical approx. 9.7 mm to 11 mm

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